Fear at #Financial Abuse

When my husband was home I lived in a constant state of fear not from him hitting me but from his words. He never spoke to me unless he was yelling screaming and calling me names. Now I live from the fear of not knowing whats going to happen to me. If someone is going to come to the door with bad news.  I can’t seem to find anyway to get someone to help me. I wash dishes, fold clothes and clean up my neighbors kitchens for them being so kind sharing their food with me because that’s all I have. I need some kind of way to at least get some temporary support from my husband. If anyone reading this have suggestions please let me know.  I use to not be able to sleep because I was hungry now I don’t sleep because I am so worried.

PS. I was just strolling thru the blogs and found the following blog from secretangelministry.org an it gave me such comfort that I Reblogged it. It was like an immediate comfort to the pain and fear I was experiencing at the exact moment.

22 thoughts on “Fear at #Financial Abuse

  1. Praying for you, my sister!! Psalm 91 is the prayer that I prayed again and again… and I saw God move in my favor. I encourage you to do the same. Get in God’s Presence and hold onto Him… not what you see in the natural. I pray for Divine Favor for you with supernatural blessings. I pray for His Peace that surpasses all understanding to consume You… that you will know without a doubt that He is with you and will take care of you. Trust Him.
    I am letting our entire ministry team know to be praying for you. Hold onto the Lord. He will see you through this!

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      • Thank you so much for sharing it. I prayed Psalm 91 over me and my children every day. I have seen the Power of God move in our lives and I know that He is no respecter of persons. What He has done for me, He can and will do for many more. It is truly a walk in faith to get from where you are right now to where He wants you to be. Remember Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. I pray for a mighty move of His Hand in your life and that you will see His provision manifest exceedingly and abundantly. Many, many blessings to you, my dear.

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  2. Financial abuse is the final frontier of leaving an abuser, the worry and stress not having income to buy things that the family NEEDS is beyond strenuous and debilitating. I am glad you found secret angel, have faith you can get through this.


    • Thanks I am getting thru it one day one step and a whole lot of communicating with God. I just also want to say how very much it means to me that you take the time to communicate with me. I am so grateful. Joyce

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      • Every time I feel the pain, I say thank you to God. Not to be a masochist, that is so overrated, but to say thank you for the blessings I once had that now I grieve. May your gratitude never give out! Thank you for your kind words, I am happy to communicate with you.


    • I am having trouble viewing and reading your blog. I really appreciate all the information you share. I have trouble expressing and understanding some of the things I feel. I have been able to get clarification from some of your blogs that really helped me. I miss you, I miss your wisdom.

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  3. I heartily second the recommendation by constancemroz2015. These issues are all too familiar to family law attorneys. You need someone on your side — a professional equipped to help you carry this burden, and relieve some of your basic concerns about caring for yourself and your children. A family lawyer can assist you in getting child support from your husband. You should, also, try applying for Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicare, and Medicaid. If you own the home you’re in, you may not qualify for some of these programs, but it is worth finding out. May God watch over you.


  4. There is no excuse for abuse. That being said you have to reclaim your power by any means necessary. I’m sure there are local shelters near to where you live. G-d does not condone abuse. Take the clothes on your back and get out now!


    • Don’t tell me what to do and how to do it. Why would I leave my home now, my husband is not here any more. Why would I go stay in a shelter. I will make it through this I survived all the abuse. I will do this. I have no other choice. You have no experience in my life so your advice does not help. I reclaimed my power when I was strong enough to do so. I haven’t been annoyed in along time, that’s part of the effect of being abused. But lady you have (p.o. ) me. Don’t judge what you don’t know. Advice is free, words that’s all it won’t pay my water, gas and power bill. God bless you.


  5. Dear sister in Christ, Joyce.
    There is a best way and only. Seek and come to God because He said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11: 28. We pray for you 🙂 And by the way, Thank you for following my blog. It was a great honor to know you. Let us encourage each other in prayer for whatever the burden. Thank you and blessings.


  6. Pingback: Domestic Violence…. No excuse for abuse! | UniquelyMeandYouBlog

  7. You can do this girl. Yes, sometimes it sucks. But you are stronger than you know. I reached out and got help from the Salvation Army, YWCA, food pantries and my church. It will NOT always be this way. God will guide you and help you through others. It was humbling for me, especially after living in the ‘dark’ so long. But it is worth it. Arise my friend, God is with you.

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